Monday, September 26, 2011

9-26 Homework quiz

9-26 Homework quiz.  Open book, open notes.  If you were absent today, please turn in your answers tomorrow.

page 4, item 5      M(t) =
page 5, item 7      D(m) =
page 7, item 16b   equation of boundary line
page 8, item 17a   inequality for number of meals
page 12, item 25    ________, ________, ________
page 14, item 3a    how many solutions?
page 14, item 3b    how many solutions?
page 14, item 3c    how many solutions?
page 17, item b
page 20, item 3
page 25, item b       identify domain and range
page 28, item 16a  describe the transformation
page 29, item b      describe the transformation
page 29, item c      describe the transformation
page 30, item b       solve | x + 1 | - 4 = -2

Homework for 9-27 Tuesday:
page 32; items 1a, 3c, 4a, 4c, 5b, 6a

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