Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Given the graph of a line, write the equation

Given the graph of a line, write the equation
The equation of a line has the form y = mx + b
Where x is first/domain/horizontal/left in an ordered pair
Where y is last/range/vertical/right in an ordered pair
Where m is the slope
Where b is the y-intercept
m = slope means steepness
Rise over run, rise divided by run
(Y1 minus y2) divided by (x1 minus x2)
Slope measures steepness of the line
Slope uphill
Look at the line and its points from left to right, they go up
m is positive
Slope downhill
Look at the line and its points from left to right, they go down
m is negative
Easiest points
Points which have x or y as zero
(0, y)     (x, 0)
Easy points
Points on the corners of the grid squares
Draw stairsteps
A way to see the rise and run
Drop is a negative rise
If the graph goes downhill, the rise is negative
(L, R) is alphabetical
x/domain/horizontal are earlier in the alphabet than
The meaning of y –intercept which equals b
How high or low the graph of the line is compared to the origin
Where the graph crosses (intercepts) the y-axis (vertical axis)
The number term added to the mx term
The value of y when x = 0      (0, b)

y = 2x - 2
because the rise is 2 and the run is 1
because the graph crosses the y-axis at -2

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