Friday, September 16, 2011

EA 1 Graphing Project class notes

Continue 2. by finding easy points for the two other constraints.

3.  Graph the three constraints using two easy points each.

4.   Make estimates for the coordinates of the intersections.  Miss Ledcke asked why do we read a graph and make estimates if the estimate is inexact and we won't use it.  The answer is that someone will give you a graph (picture information) and not give you the equations (math information), so you have to make an educated guess based on the information you have.  If you get more information, or if you can create more information by writing and solving a system of equations, you can get a more precise answer.

5.  In class we looked at where the red dashed line intersects the green dashed line.  That point is interesting because it's the solution of two equations, and it's the vertex of a feasible region.  We used substitution to find the coordinates of the point.

6. Compare this result with the estimate you made in 4.

7, 8, 9, 10, 11 build on the board diagram shown above.

Homework for Monday 9-19 is to finish the Embedded Assessment 1 graphing project.


  1. how do you find the other two points?
    That's what I'm not understanding.

  2. The other two points are where other pairs of graphs intersect.

    In all, there are three points or ordered pairs where two lines intersect -

    one that solves the "1800" and "1700" constraints together,
    one that solves the "1800" and "2400" constraints together,
    and one that solves the "1800" and "2400" constraints together.

    See the blog post for 9-19 for more hints on how to find two of the vertices.
