Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10-12 Inverse functions class notes

When a function f operates on its inverse f^-1, you get back to the original input.

To create the inverse function of y = f(x), x and y trade places, then solve for y

y = 2x - 4
x = 2y - 4
the inverse y = (x + 4)/2

Show that 2x - 4 and (x + 4)/2 are inverses by letting the original function operate on the inverse.

y = 2[(x + 4)/2] - 4
y = x, getting back to the original input

Example using x = 3
y = 2(3) - 4 = 2
this ouput 2 is the new input for the inverse y = (x + 4)/2
inverse y = (2 + 4)/2 = 6/3 = 2, the original input

Homework for 10-13:  page 44 and 45, items 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

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