Thursday, October 27, 2011

10-27 Inverse matrices on a graphing calculator

2nd   MATRX   >   >   EDIT   ENTER

(see MATRIX [A] blink x2)

2   ENTER  (puts in number of rows)

 >   >   (moves cursor to blink)

 2   ENTER  (puts in the number of columns)

>   >   (moves cursor to highlight entry at 1,1)

 1   ENTER  (puts the value 1 in row i column 1)

(cursor moves to highlight entry at 1,2)

1   ENTER   (puts the value 1 in row 1 column 2)

(cursor moves to highlight entry at 2,1)

0   .   4   ENTER   (puts the value 0.4 in row 2 column 1)

(cursor moves to highlight entry at 2,2)

0   .   1   5   ENTER   (puts the value 0.15 in row 2 column 2)

2nd   MATRX   (see highlight NAMES and highlight 1: )

ENTER   (see [A] on new screen)

 X-1        (see [A]-1)

ENTER   (see [[-.6  4  ] [1.6  -4]] )

Continue item 12c on page 63 by entering the values for  matrix B [[ 3000][ 840]]

2nd   MATRX   (see highlight NAMES and highlight 1: )

ENTER   (see [A] on new screen)

 X-1        (see [A]-1)

ENTER   (see [[-.6  4  ] [1.6  -4]] )

*   (see [[-.6  4  ] [1.6  -4]] * )

2nd   MATRX   (see highlight NAMES and highlight 1: )
Down cursor (to highlight 2:)

ENTER   (see [A]-1 * [B] on screen)



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