Friday, October 28, 2011

Preparation for Quiz on Tuesday 11-1

Given a matrix, state its dimensions.

Given two matrices determine whether you can add them, and perform the addition if possible.

Is matrix addition commutative?

Given two matrices determine whether you can multiply them, and perform the multiplication if possible.

Name the method used for matrix multiplication.

Is matrix multiplication commutative?

Write the identity matrix for a given square dimension.

Write the relationship between a matrix A, its inverse, and the identity matrix.

Given a 2x2 square matrix with entries a, b, c, d, find the determinant.

Given a 2x2 square matrix with entries a, b, c, d, find the inverse using the determinant and the rearranged matrix.

Given a system of two equations in two variables, wrtie it in matrix notation with a coefficient matrix, a variable matrix, and a constant matrix.

Given a coefficient matrix, a variable matrix, and a constant matrix, write a corresponding system of linear equations.

Explain how to solve a matrix equation A*X = B.

Multiply a matrix by the identity matrix and show your work.

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